Are you ready to END the pain crisis in your family?

  • Reduce Stress

  • Find Freedom

  • Improved Relationships

Problem #1

Disruption of Daily Activities: Pain & Anxiety can interfere with everyday tasks such as walking, standing, sitting, and sleeping, making it difficult to maintain a normal routine.

Problem #2

Impact on Emotional Well-being: Chronic Pain & Anxiety often lead to emotional distress, including being short with our people which can significantly affect a person's overall mood and outlook on life.

Problem #3

Reduced Quality of Life: Pain & Anxiety can diminish the overall quality of life by limiting social interactions, recreational activities, and personal relationships. It can also lead to feelings of isolation and a sense of being unable to enjoy life to the fullest.

I’m Monique

THE MindBody Coach

I'm committed to ENDING the cycle of pain within families. With a deep personal understanding of how anxiety & pain permeate through generations, I've dedicated my work to halting this cycle and fostering healing within family units.

Pain, whether physical or emotional, often passes down through generations, creating a legacy of suffering. My mission is to put an end to this cycle. Through holistic approaches and personalized guidance, I empower families to address and overcome the root causes of their pain.

Together, we'll navigate the complexities of intergenerational pain, fostering resilience and well-being for current and future generations. Join me in this journey towards a future free from the burden of inherited pain, where families can thrive in harmony and wholeness.

Listen What Clients Have To Say!

"Finding Monique when I did was nothing short of divine timing. I was at an interesting place, professionally, personally and spiritually. Monique held space for me in all aspects of my life and shared several tools and resources that I could apply in each of these areas now and for years to come. I will forever be grateful to her and the role she played in up-leveling my life in alignment towards my higher self."


"I always knew people like Monique were out there I just didn't know how to find her, now that I have, I can't believe the difference in such a short time."


"I love working with Monique! Since the very first day I saw her my life changed completely. She has helped me grow in so many areas of my life and I appreciate that she doesn’t give up on me until she helps me see the root cause of any situation. I definitely recommend her 💯 percent!"


If you're tired of dealing with these problems too then